(updated monthly)

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Three new models in my list:

-  Medieval tenor traverso in D, pitched at A=440  (price: 620 euros)
-  Medieval alto traverso in G, pitched at A=440  (price: 520 euros)

-  Medieval soprano traverso in D, pitched at A=440  (price: 360 euros)


Next international exhibitions

Press and Web 

The Recorder Magazine , Autumn 2009,  

Concert reviews
Annabel Knight playing on Hotteterre

Annabel Knight playing on Hotteterre

Olavo Barros playing on J.H. Rottenburgh

Montserrat Gascón playing on J.H. Rottenburgh

Mafalda Ramos playing on C.A. Grenser 

Gabriel Pérsico playing on F.G.A. Kirst

Gabriel Pérsico playing on Hotteterre

Wilbert Hazelzet playing on J.J. Quantz

At the workshop,

Lectures on traverso & recorder

"Petite Histoire Comparée des flûtes à bec et traversières"
(Lecture in collaboration with Philippe Bolton, recorder maker)


Many thanks to  Sebastià Serra for his help, 

Philippe Bolton, a master in recorder making,

Barthold Kuijken, my teacher.